Examination & Promotion
1. A pupil shall be eligible to appear in the final examinations only if he/she has 75% attendance.
2. No exam will be conducted other than the scheduled time.
3. Parents/guardians are requested to examine the result card of their wards and return it, duly signed, to the class teacher within three days.
4. Signatures found in the progress report should be identical with the specimen signature entered in the diary or in the admission form of the candidate.
5. Result declared at the end of the academic year is final, and no request for re-examination shall be entertained.
6. Those who fail to sit in the examination in any subject shall be marked absent in that Subject and shall not be awarded any position. In case of grave illness a medical certificate to that effect shall be produced. No re-exam will be conducted
7. Any one found indulging in malpractices during examinations is liable to be debarred from further examinations.
8. Criteria for promotion, after Final Examination shall be 40% of marks in all the papers computed on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidate in the examinations and the internal assessment made by the school through out the year. Promotion of students who have absented themselves from exams/tests in case of illness or of some genuine reason will be considered on the basis of their performance in the class during the year.